author fredo sanchez
Published Latino author new book title: Father, I’m Coming Home.
Publisher: Manuscritos Publishing, LLC.
The little box
A story about a teenager who lives a dangerous life, then goes to jail, comes out, and starts valuing family, freedom, and his faith. A couple of statements the teenager makes as an adult is that he is scared to go home, step out into the free world, with only the little box of his personal belongings.
Author Fredo Sanchez
Una historia sobre un adolescente que vive una vida peligrosa luego va a la cárcel, sale y comienza a valorar a la familia, la libertad y su fe. Un par de declaraciones que el adolescente hace como adulto es que tiene miedo de volver a casa y salir al mundo libre, con solo la pequeña caja de sus pertenencias personales.